探索一座奇怪而扭曲的宅邸,发现奇异的线索,审问古怪的嫌疑人,解开独特的谜题,揭开令人惊心动魄的谜案。 你能够揭开缠结塔的秘密吗?

缠结塔 Tangle Tower for Mac v1.0 中文原生


“Tangle Tower is, without a doubt, one of my favourite games of 2019. It’s a joy, some of the finest writing I can remember, accompanied by fantastic performances, excellent puzzles, and a murder mystery that twists and turns throughout its lengthy run. This is completely magnificent.”
John Walker, Buried Treasure

“Indeed, Tangle Tower’s superb voice work and lively animation do some surprisingly heavy lifting in this detective puzzle ’em up, making it far more appealing to the eyes and ears than even Capcom’s Ace Attorney games. Every character is beautifully articulated, from their fluid movements and gesticulations to their witty and often chucklesome dialogue exchanges, and they infuse the game with a charm and personality that’s all its own.”
Rock Paper Shotgun

“Tangle Tower will captivate you from the start with its amusing art-themed murder and keep you hooked thanks to its likeable cast of characters, stellar production values, and clever logic puzzles.”
Adventure Gamers



Freya Fellow被谋杀。主要嫌疑人?是一个挥舞着刀的神秘人物,在她的尸体之上若隐若现。问题在于?那个嫌疑人……只是一幅画。



· 游戏一众角色全配音全动画
· 颇具氛围的原创交响乐团配乐
· 数字绘制的优美环境背景等你来探索

* 配音仅限英语

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